Stung Treng


Stung Treng is a small and charming province in northern Cambodia. It is located at the confluence of the Mekong and the Sekong Rivers, and is known for its picturesque landscapes, diverse wildlife, and relaxed atmosphere. It offers visitors the opportunity to experience authentic rural Cambodian life, as well as explore the natural beauty of the region.

Stung Treng is a great destination for those looking to explore the rich culture and history of Cambodia, as it is home to numerous temples, monuments, and archaeological sites. Visitors can explore the ruins of Sambor Prei Kuk, the ancient capital of the Chenla Empire, as well as the stunning Vat Phou temple complex. Nature lovers will enjoy trekking through lush forests and spotting wildlife at the nearby Phnom Nam Lyr Wildlife Sanctuary.

The city of Stung Treng itself is a great place to explore, with a vibrant nightlife and plenty of restaurants and cafes to enjoy. There are also plenty of markets and shops, where visitors can pick up souvenirs and unique handicrafts. Stung Treng is also well-connected to the rest of Cambodia, making it easy to explore the country further.

Overall, Stung Treng is a great destination for those looking to experience the true beauty of Cambodia. From its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife to its vibrant culture and rich history, Stung Treng is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Best Sites to Book Stung Treng Accommodation
Rank Booking Site Price Compared to Average
1. Cheapest -4%
2. Cheap -2%
3. Average Expedia -1%
4. More Expensive Agoda 1%
5. Most Expensive 3%
Where to Stay in Stung Treng

1. Stung Treng Town: This is the main town and is located near the Mekong River. It is the best place to stay in the city, as it has the largest selection of hotels, restaurants, and services.

2. Stung Treng Provincial Museum: This is a great area to stay in Stung Treng as it is close to the main attractions including the museum, which houses ancient artifacts and is a great place to learn about the history and culture of the province.

3. Stung Treng Provincial Stadium: This is a great area to stay in Stung Treng, as it is close to the provincial stadium where you can catch some exciting local sporting events.

4. O’Tavao Jungle: This is a great area to stay in Stung Treng, as it is located in the jungle and is home to some amazing wildlife and nature.

5. Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary: This is a great area to stay in Stung Treng, as it is located in the Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary and is a great place to observe wildlife and also to enjoy some of the natural scenery.

Hotels in Stung Treng
What to See in Stung Treng

1. Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary: This floating village near Siem Reap is home to thousands of rare birds, and a visit here offers a chance to observe a variety of species in their natural habitat.

2. Stung Treng Wat: This historic Buddhist temple is the largest in Stung Treng and features ornate architecture and a stunning view of the Mekong River.

3. Mekong River: The Mekong River is a stunning natural feature, offering a variety of activities such as boat trips, fishing and swimming.

4. Prasat Preah Vihear: This temple is located on the border of Cambodia and Thailand and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

5. Si Phan Don: This is a large area of islands situated at the end of the Mekong River. It is a great place to explore, as it offers activities such as fishing, swimming and kayaking.

What to Eat in Stung Treng

1. Fish Amok: A creamy steamed fish curry dish, flavoured with lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and coconut milk.

2. Nom Banh Chok: A traditional Khmer breakfast dish made with a thin, vermicelli-like rice noodle, fish gravy, and fresh vegetables.

3. Num Pang: A popular Cambodian sandwich, made with pork, pickled cucumbers, and garlic mayonnaise.

4. Kuy Teav: A noodle soup dish made with pork, beef, shrimp, and bean sprouts, flavoured with spices and a fish sauce.

5. Nom Pang Sach Chrouk: A Cambodian version of French toast, made with sweetened condensed milk, sugar, and ground pork.

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